

Communion is hard to translate into words, these spaces of knowing and being in deep relatedness. It’s not a rational, mental layer that is engaged here, it’s something much deeper. Being with the water, with the sky, sitting in communion with the birds and uttering: ‘like you I too feel joy, I dance & I …

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New year emptiness

At the end of this year I feel empty.Empty of resolutions, words of the year, empty of big plans and intentions. I’m allowing this emptiness to spread throughout my body and hollow out my ideas of how things should be.Currently decluttering measuring devices of all kinds (rulers, comparisons, weighing scales, resentments & expectations, even the spirit …

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When I forget who I am, I sit at the feet of trees and listen.I smell the earth, I watch the wind, follow the blackbird.My cells sing soundlessly along with their mycelial cousins.Their generosity humbles me always. Life becomes death becomes life.I’m so unaware, and when I look I’m overwhelmed by the gift of it: …

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