
Are you saying we shouldn’t allow big feelings? Musings on Emotional ‘Release’ part II

After my last post, a question arose: if we’re not chasing release, then what? Does this mean we should always be still, simply noticing our experience kinda quietly? Does it mean we shouldn’t allow big feelings? Or is there a space—even a need—for bigger expression at times?. Personally I do not agree with the idea …

Are you saying we shouldn’t allow big feelings? Musings on Emotional ‘Release’ part II Read More »

Emotional ‘Release’? Is it actually an addiction to Big Feelings?

Last year, I had a recurring experience in my session room that really got me thinking. Several clients came to me eager for an intense emotional experience, only to feel disappointed when by a certain point in the session, they hadn’t yet had a ‘big release.’ This got me questioning: • Why does so much …

Emotional ‘Release’? Is it actually an addiction to Big Feelings? Read More »


I’ve been searching for some time for oakmoss, a base note for an incense I have been slowly putting together.The other day, after I had been looking for some weeks on the oaks and pines in the forest, this little guy turned up, right at my feet in the back garden, after a windy night.This …

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