Hi, I’m Marysia. Welcome to my offerings.

The focus of my work is creating spaces for listening to and living from the inherent wisdom and aliveness of our bodies, and for communion with and reverence for our beloved earth.

I am a holistic bodyworker, somatic coach and group facilitator and I work with people through deep listening, somatic exploration, education, ritual and hands on bodywork.

I am guided by a deep trust in life and the body’s intelligence, reclamation of our wild nature, and communion with the web of connections and relationships that already exist within us and around us.


Reconnect with your wholeness, 

with the intelligence & aliveness of your body & 

remember your belonging to the earth.

Our work together includes your whole being. Your physical, emotional, energetic, spiritual, relational being are not only welcome, they are essential to a holistic approach to healing and growth.

These are spaces of deep listening, courageous inquiry, allowing life energy and feeling to flow, being seen, exploring direct experience and your own connection to essence, and working together to reach your aims and embody more of your fullness. 


Body of Earth Botanicals

Herbal remedies for connection, health, expansion and mysticism. 

 For a long time my life has been deeply enriched by the magic of the plant kingdom and the art & science of herbalism. Plants are medicine as well as allies, guides and portals to other realms.   

As a bodyworker and somatic and energy work practitioner I am fascinated by the ways that plants can communicate with us on a cellular level and offer healing, guidance, ways to expand our consciousness and commune with life in deeper ways.

 I’m grateful to share these remedies with you, from my hands, heart and home to yours. 

For more information or a catalogue of remedies, send me a message.


These medicines are born from a love of the living world.

They are an invitation to reconnect, to remember your innate belonging to the earth and to life itself. 

Plants are master teachers for us. Through consciously inviting their support, wisdom and guidance we can nourish our bodies and souls, experience healing, and open to the possibility that there is more pleasure, connection, beauty & wholeness in this world than we’ve allowed ourselves to long for or even imagine.

These remedies are made by hand, in small batches, using traditional methods. The formulas are simple and effective, infused with intention and connection to the earth and the plants. 

The ingredients are sourced with great care and are grown by me in the garden, wildcrafted, or ethically sourced. 

•• Reconnect with the knowing that you are Earth ••