
My name is Marysia. I’m a student of the body and of nature. 

As a body and energy worker and facilitator, I help people connect more deeply to their own body wisdom and become skilled at hearing its voice and applying discernment in working with it. 

I am fascinated by embodied ways of meeting, sensing, and knowing, by non-linear wisdom, and by the power of touch.

My life has been guided by an endless curiosity about our bodies, our connections to each other and to natural intelligences and the influence of the webs that we are woven into.


I have explored deeply in multiple traditions and modalities and taken many different paths in my own journey towards healing and in gaining skill and experience as a practitioner. 

Through this deep work I have come to trust my intuition and inner wisdom and have found deeper and deeper levels of fulfilment and alignment with myself and my purpose.

I know that through turning towards ourselves and our lives more fully, it is possible to heal, to overcome obstacles, to reconnect to our essential selves and live anchored deeply in this place.

 I hold a deep respect and reverence for natural intelligences and the cycles of life and death that we are part of as human beings. I’m passionate and incredibly geeky about wild foods, herbalism, wild crafting, medicine making, plant spirit work and gardening — and work closely with plants for medicine and magic.

This led me to create a range of handcrafted remedies called Body of Earth Botanicals — herbals for vitality, delight and connection to Earth’s Wisdom.

Modalities, traditions and experience 

Both my hands on and hands off work is informed by my comprehensive training in Holistic Bodywork (a shock & developmental trauma-informed method), 

Somatic Coaching (Pantarei approach), with additional training in Craniosacral therapy, Core Energetics body psychotherapy (the Life transformation programme),

Vortex healing, bodywork for women’s health (including breast, womb and belly work), pelvic floor bodywork (including internal work), myofascial release, and deep lymphatic work.

I am a certified facilitator in presence-based group work (Circling) and spent several years founding and leading a practice community in London and then as a Senior Leader with Europe’s largest Circling training organisation, Circling Europe— training and mentoring leaders and facilitators as well as all levels of practitioners and deeply exploring in experimental group spaces.

My 8 years experience working in inner London high schools has deeply informed my life and understanding of working with people.

I’m an ongoing student of nature including herbalism, animism, ritual, cyclical living, wild foods and plant spirit medicine. .