Our work together includes your whole being. Your physical, emotional, spiritual, relational being are not only welcome, they are essential to a holistic approach to healing and growth.
These are spaces of deep listening, courageous inquiry, allowing life energy and emotion to flow, being seen, and working together to reach your aims and embody more of your fullness.
These sessions create space for you to connect to the unique wisdom that lies within you and to unwind the patterns that keep you from living deeply anchored in yourself.
My intention is to meet you where you are and to be in service to your growth and healing with integrity, compassion and clarity.

Why is body-based work so important?
Your body is a gateway to your deeper knowing.
Our bodies are deeply wise. So much of the time, when we dare to listen, we find the answers that we were looking for outside of ourselves are already within, waiting to be heard.
These days it is very easy for us to live at a distance from our embodied experience and inner guidance system as a default way of being. We move less, we use screens more, and many of us are disconnected from the roots of our bodies.
We pull ourselves up and away from the ground, from our lower centres, sometimes avoiding whole parts of ourselves due to the intensity they may hold, not to mention the energy and emotion of past experiences that have been overwhelming.
Working with our bodies, we create space to experience our feelings and emotions and allow them to come into flow. We get to dive below our reified ideas about who we are and into the truth of our being in the moment, being with what most needs our attention, accessing energy, feeling, aliveness and clarity.
Themes I often work with in my practice:
- Intimacy with self: trusting the body and the life impulse more deeply, listening to the deeper messages of emotions and physical symptoms
- Encouraging flow: unwinding held emotions, including hands on lymphatic reset and abdominal massage
- Exploring the themes and energy of our lower centres: connecting to the pelvis, womb work, reclaiming the inner animal
- Highly sensitive systems: Taking care of high sensitivity; protection and boundaries; grounding and centering; self-regulation. Taking responsibility for the gifts of high perception and openness, burnout and exhaustion
- Cultivating intuition and discernment
- Reclaiming lost parts of ourselves: connecting to shadowed and exiled parts and unwinding adaptive survival strategies living in the body and psyche that can obscure our authenticity
- Leadership and facilitation mentorship
- Connecting with natural intelligences: communion practices, ritual, work with plant teachers. For more details click here.
What happens in sessions?
In all kinds of sessions, each session or series begins with a conversation to uncover a potential intention, desire or wish.
We orient towards these themes while also listening to what is arising in the moment and letting this wisdom inform us, as our work is always an ongoing process of being curious and allowing ourselves to be guided by what is present.
Depending on the kind of work we are doing together we may move into hands on work or somatic, emotional and energetic exploration of the theme that is alive for you.
What does this involve?
We may track and feel emotions, body sensations, movements, impulses and expressions as we explore, dialoguing with tissues, organs, parts and energies to receive guidance, or to witness and release what needs to be seen and felt.
We make space for emotions, desires, expressions and experiences, practising flow and turning towards what is there in you and allowing it to move, so that you become more intimate with yourself and at choice with how you respond to your life circumstances.
Along the way, we may uncover the patterns and beliefs that no longer fit who you are, and we work with these parts with clarity and compassion, orienting towards your stated intentions and desires as a guiding light through the process.
Session Practicalities for Online Sessions
Please note that I only work with clients long term based on packages of at least 4 sessions.
We begin with an initial session to see if we’d like to continue. Alternatively you can book a free 30 min call with me to connect and go straight to a package after that.
Initial Session (1 hr): 95€
Sessions in packages are priced similarly to initial sessions (e.g. a package of 4 sessions is 370€, a package of 8 is 730€ and so on.)
They can be paid for in instalments if needed.
Contact me with any questions or to book.
Please read the Terms and Conditions page before booking and only book if you agree to the terms. Thank you.
Session Practicalities for In-person Sessions
I no longer offer one-off sessions.
An initial session can be booked and then I work in packages of minimum 3 sessions. Sessions in packages are priced similarly to initial sessions (e.g. a package of 3 x 1.5 hr sessions is 380€, 3 x 2 hr sessions is 470€).
They can be paid for in instalments if needed and different session lengths and session types can be combined to fit your needs and process.
Initial Session 1.5 hrs: 130€
Initial Session 2 hrs: 160€
- Sessions can take place in Berlin (Kreuzberg) and Eberswalde
- Please note availability in Berlin is very limited. Please bear this in mind and book in advance.
- Sessions in Eberswalde can be booked much more flexibly and with shorter wait times. My practice is 12 mins walk from Eberswalde Hbf.
- I also travel regularly to Amsterdam and London (join my mailing list to be updated about session days in these cities).